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BML: About Us

Public Site

Hours of Operation - Main Library


Monday - Thursday 9:00am - 8:00pm
Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm
Saturday 9:00am - 5:00pm
Sunday Closed

General Information

Library Management

Director of Library Services, Mellissa Corso.

Hattie Harrington: Human Resources & Administrative Services Manager

Lamonte Blue: Project Facility Manager.

Department Managers:

  • Jennifer Stearn

  • Robert Honegger

  • Gray Benson

  • Jenna Watson

  • Nancy Delaney
  • Brenda Thibodeau - supervisor

Library Policies

The following policies have been adopted:

Location - Main Library

Volunteer at the Library

Volunteer Mission Statement

The mission of the BML Volunteer Program is:

  • To enhance the Library’s ability to provide quality services to the public
  • To provide community members with constructive and rewarding opportunities to serve the community and the Library
  • To build public awareness of how the Library operates
  • To develop closer ties to the Library community
  • To increase the effectiveness of paid staff.

Click here to find out more about volunteer opportunities for teens and adults.

Technology at the Library

The Library offers free use of a number of computers for both children and adults for Internet access, research, word processing and other applications, entertainment, and education. Library cards are generally required to use the computers but visitors to the area are welcome to use them after showing identification. All computer users must abide by our Computer Policies. Your Laptop, tablet, smartphone, or other wireless devices are welcome to use our wireless network! No library card is needed but our polices still apply.

Donated Books and Other Materials

The library graciously accepts donations of books, DVDs, and other materials. Donated materials may be added to the collection, resold to generate income for the library, or given by the library to other organizations. As a last resort donated materials which can’t be reused or resold may be discarded by the library.

Donated materials must be in reasonably good condition (not torn, wet, moldy, smelly, dirty, infested with vermin, etc.). The library does not accept donated magazines, textbooks, encyclopedias, or homemade videos or audios. Donations of other items (computers, furniture, artworks, items of historical interest, etc.) will be considered on a case by case basis by library management. Generally computers must be less than two years old to be considered.

Donated items must be brought to the library. Patrons needing assistance in unloading donated items, or with large numbers of items, should call the library in advance to make arrangements.

The value of donated materials may be tax deductible. Please consult your tax advisor for information. If requested, the library will provide a receipt for donated materials showing a general description and count; however, the library cannot provide a value for donations.